Selenium With Python
This Module is designed for testing professional, software developer in test, or web application developer using Python and want to learn Selenium WebDriver to automate browsers for testing their web application.
Prerequisite : A basic understanding of the Python programming language
1. Getting Started with Selenium WebDriver and Python
- Installing Selenium package
- Browsing Selenium WebDriver
- Installing PyCharm
- Setting up PyCharm
- Setting up Internet Explorer
- Setting up Google Chrome
2. Writing Tests Using unittest
- Exploring unittest library
- Exploring TestCase class
- The setUp() method
- Writing tests
- Cleaning up the code
- Running the test
- Adding another test
- Understanding Class-level setUp() and tearDown() methods
- What is Assertions
- Know about Test suites
- Generating the HTML test report
3. Finding Elements
- Using developer tools to find locators
- Inspecting pages and elements with Firefox using the Firebug add-in
- Inspecting pages and elements with Google Chrome
- Inspecting pages and elements with Internet Explorer
- Finding elements with Selenium WebDriver
- Using the find methods
- Finding elements using ID attribute
- Finding elements using name attribute
- Finding elements using class name
- Finding elements using tag name
- Finding elements using XPath
- Finding elements using CSS selectors
- Finding links
- Finding links with partial text
- Putting all the tests together using find methods
4. Using the Selenium Python API for Element Interaction
- Important Elements of HTML forms
- What is the WebDriver class
- What are the Properties of the WebDriver class
- Methods of the WebDriver class
- Understanding WebElement class
- Properties of WebElement class
- Methods associated with WebElement class
- Working with forms, textboxes, checkboxes, and radio buttons
- Checking if element is displayed and enabled
- Finding the element attribute value
- how to using is_selected() method
- how to using clear() and send_keys() methods
- Testing with dropdowns and lists
- Understanding the Select class
- Properties of the Select class
- Methods of the Select class
- Working with alerts and pop-up windows
- Understanding the Alert class
- Properties of the Alert class
- Methods of the Alert class
- Automating browser navigation
5. Synchronizing Tests
- how to use implicit wait
- how to use explicit wait
- The expected condition class
- Waiting for an element to be enabled
- Waiting for alerts
- Implementing custom wait conditions
6. Analysis of Cross-browser Testing
- What is Selenium standalone server
- Downloading the Selenium standalone server
- How to launch the Selenium standalone server
- Running a test on the Selenium standalone server
- Adding support for Internet Explorer
- Adding support for Chrome
- Selenium Grid
- Launching Selenium server as a hub
- How to add nodes
- How to add an IE node
- How to add a Firefox node
- How to add a Chrome node
- How to run tests in Grid
- How to run tests in a cloud
- Using Sauce Labs
7. What is Page Objects and Data-driven Testing
- Data-driven testing
- Using ddt for data-driven tests
- Installing ddt
- Creating a simple data-driven test with ddt in unit test
- Using external data sources for data-driven tests
- Reading values from CSV
- Reading values from Excel
- The page objects pattern
- Organizing tests
- The BasePage object
- Implementing page objects
- Creating a test with page objects
8. Advanced Selenium WebDriver Techniques
- Methods used to perform keyboard and mouse actions
- Keyboard actions
- The mouse movement
- The double_click method
- The drag_and_drop method
- Executing JavaScript
- Capturing screenshots of failures
- Recording a video of the test run
- Handling pop-up windows
- Managing cookies
9. Integration with Other Tools and Frameworks
- Behavior-Driven Development
- How to Installing Behave
- How to write first Behave feature.
- Implementing a step definition file for the feature
- Creating environment configurations
- Running features
- Using a scenario outline
- CI with Jenkins
- Preparing for Jenkins
- Setting up Jenkins
Live Project
10. Project and Certificate
Note:After you successfully complete the project and the exams, we will award a certification for the successful completion of python course in our Bangalore institute.